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Hallowe'en is the night that allows the spirits to dance, children to be scared, and monsters to walk among us. For many, this night is filled with laughter and carved pumpkins, bags filled with treats, and masks of the dead. For the unlucky, the night can last a lifetime. And beyond.

The time is now the Thirteenth Hour of night. You are standing at the steps of Number 7, Lanterne-of-Light Street, an old Victorian house filled with terror. The front door to the house opens with a creak and beckons you in.

About The Thirteenth Hour

The Thirteenth Hour, the latest Penny Blood Adventure, brings Halloween Horror to your next Dungeons & Dragons adventure. In honor of the spooky season, the KS project will run for only 13 nights. I am working hard to ensure that you will have the game as soon as the campaign ends so you have the opportunity to play it with your friends.

What you get

The game comes with all the following goodness:

  • All the digital assets, including:
  • PDF book
  • Statblocks for Monsters and NPCs
  • Maps for players and DM/GM in Full Color, Printer Friendly, Night Mode, and Sepia Tone. The DM/GM versions of the maps include labels for each room. The Haunted House in the campaign has four levels with maps for each.
  • Magic items
  • Random Encounter table for each of the locations (yep, that's four random encounter tables)
  • A game within a game
  • VTT version of the Map of online playing (VTT maps come with and without labels)
  • Food and Fuel - two recipes and four spooky themed drinks


The Thirteenth Hour, a Halloween D&D 5e Campaign

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